OnCourse Tour

OnCourse Tour

by EGCOA, March 7, 2017

OnCourse® is a global online sustainability programmes for golf facilities. No matter where you are in the world, or how big, or small, your club is – OnCourse® is for you. It will allow you clearly and easily determine where you already are on the sustainable golf journey, offer advice on actions you can implement, from large scale investment to simple everyday tips and tricks and provides valuable tools to help you to record, monitor and report your performance.
You can dip in and out at your own speed, and completion of the programme can lead to gaining golf’s global eco-label GEO Certified®. Managed by not-for-profit GEO (Golf Environment Organization), funded and supported by industry bodies, OnCourse® is the one stop shop for sustainable clubs. It also provides support to help your facility communicate your positive impact to in a credible and meaningful way and gain the positive recognition you deserve.

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