Senior Golf

by EGCOA, September 19, 2016

Golf is unarguably an excellent source of exercise for all, but especially for those who are getting on in their years. The 2004 Study Golf: a high intensity interval activity for elderly men found that “Walking an 18-hole golf course corresponds to an exercise intensity which is moderate and high for the elderly, mainly low to moderate for the middle-aged, and low for young male golfers. All golfers, regardless of age, perceived their exertion similarly as weak to moderate”.

It is therefore imperative that, to keep your most loyal and oldest members playing, you must ensure that you cater for their particular needs. Eric Stur, of Community Hospital Fitness Pointe’s Golf Training program in Munster, US, states that “For many seniors, playing golf is a good tool for staying fit. But for those who do not exercise regularly, age-related muscle loss and declining aerobic capacity makes it a little difficult for many senior golfers to finish a round without becoming fatigued”.

Is your club doing all it can to ensure that your senior members are provided with what they need to continue with the sport they love?

Does your club provide any training in warm up techniques or give advice for exercises your members can practice to ensure they remain playing as long as possible? Do you provide rest stops and refreshments around the course to allow for recuperation?

For further information on training regimes and warm ups tailored for the older golfer click here, or visit TPI for more information on how to ensure your Pro can offer your members all the health advice they need.

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